On the homeward track

I’m thinking of taking a photo a day for the next few months limiting myself to a 10 minute radius of home. It will be interesting, to me at least, to see what kind of images I manage to capture.

I wonder if my moods will be reflected in the photos taken?

The first image taken today seems to reflect both my mood and that of the weather.

Black and white photo of seed heads

Black and white semi-feral cat

There have been several semi-feral cats that have visited us over the time that we have lived in our current home. All of them have been either completely black or black and white, and all of them have had a very well-defined sense of personal space.

I usually see them at a distance while carrying water or feed to the ponies, or when I’m doing other work around the place. Showing any kind of interest in them, even just looking too long in their direction, results in a quick disappearance.

More recently there has only been one regular visitor and on his last visit I happened to get this lucky shot as was outside with the camera just as he decided to pop up in the long grass in the ‘front garden’.

Black and white cat seen through a fence

This was taken using the Lumix GX8 and the m.zuiko 75-300mm lens. It was only the fact that I was using a long lens that meant that I captured this particular image through the gap in the fence, without encroaching on his personal space. The result is one of my favourite cat images.